

Jez and Maria are in Manchester, and they are safe. At least, they are physically safe.

Escaping from a war zone has a profound impact though, it changes you.

The couple talk about the emotional side of being away, discussing how it is a combination of luck and privilege that allowed them to be where they are today, and how doing so has led to an immense feeling of Survivor’s Guilt.

The talk breaks down the feelings of grief, pain, and the expectation to be the perfect refugee.

They tell stories of the friends they have lost and try to answer the question of whether they made the right decision to leave in the first place.

Through the pain though, a brightness and focus shines through; a drive and determintion to give back and help Ukrainians both in the UK and at home in the best way they can, and what is coming over the hill.

This is a 45 minute presentation aimed at schools, businesses, and bands.